If you’re still unsure about something please don’t hesitate to contact us and a member of the team will be happy to help.
If you’re still unsure about something please don’t hesitate to contact us and a member of the team will be happy to help.
ContactQ: What does ADCH do?
A. The ADCH is a membership organisation that promotes best practice in animal welfare and rehoming for dogs and cats. Our goal is to help all members work for the benefit of the animals in their care, through education, networking and establishing and sharing best practice.
For more information visit ‘About Us’
Q: I want to rehome my dog/cat can you help me?
A. As a membership organisation for Animal Rescues, ADCH does not take in or rehome animals directly.
For advice on rehoming you dog or cat please visit our ‘Giving Up for Adoption’ page.
Q: I want to adopt a dog/cat can you help me?
A. As a membership organisation for Animal Rescues, ADCH does not take in or rehome animals directly.
For advice on adopting a dog or cat please visit our ‘Rehoming’ page.
Q. I have concerns about an animal rescue centre/shelter/sanctuary
A. If you wish to make a complaint about an animal rescue, please note that ADCH can only investigate these against our own members. Please see all our current members here to see if this applies. Please email enquiries@adch.org.uk
Q. I have concerns about the welfare of an animal
A. The Association of Dogs and Cats Homes is an association for rescue organisations and we do not deal with animals directly ourselves.
If you have seen an animal that you have welfare concerns about, please contact the RSPCA on 0300 1234999; let them know details and they will investigate. For stray cats you may also wish to contact your local rescue organisation, a map of all our members can be found here.
If you have concerns about noise from animals, you are recommended to report this to your local environmental health department.
Q. I have questions about a dog or cat’s behaviour, welfare, or veterinary treatment
A. The Association of Dogs and Cats Homes is an association for rescue organisations and we do not deal with animals directly ourselves. We are also not qualified to offer any advice to the public.
We recommend that you have a look for your closest ADCH member and contact them for advice.
Q. I want to become a Fosterer/Volunteer, do you have vacancies?
A. The Association of Dogs and Cats Homes is an association for rescue organisations and we do not handle any animals ourselves.
Many rescues will appreciate you offering to volunteer or foster. However, please be aware that there are formal procedures and policies which need to be carried out before a person can become a volunteer or take in foster animals We therefore recommend that you have a look at the list of all our members that is available here and contact those closest to you for advice.
Q. Do you have any work experience opportunities?
A. As a membership organisation for Animal Rescues, ADCH does not take in or rehome animals directly.
We would recommend searching for your local rescue and contacting those closest to you for advice. Use our rescue search here
Q. Do you have any employment opportunities?
A. We advertise employment opportunities on behalf of our Members and these vacancies can be found on our website here
ADCH operates with a small staff team encompassing two full-time and one part-time members. We have no vacancies at present.
Q. How do I make a complaint?
A. The Association of Dogs & Cats Homes (ADCH) is committed to meeting the expectations of our members, supporters and members of the public. However, if someone is unhappy with their experience of ADCH, or of one of our members, we shall try to address their concerns and make the necessary changes to address the issue. Please see our current Complaints Policy
Q. Does ADCH have a safeguarding policy?
A. Yes, a copy can be found here.
Q. American Bully XL Dogs – Members’ Frequently Asked Questions
A. Members’ Frequently Asked Questions about American Bully XL Dog’s can be found here.
Q: How can my organisation join?
Whether you are applying for Full Membership or Affiliate Membership, you should read the eligibility criteria before applying. Full details and information about the Application Process can be found on our membership page. If you are a rescue organisation rehoming dogs and/or cats, you should apply for Full Membership.
If you require assistance completing your application or have any queries about the process please do not hesitate to contact us.
Q: What are the benefits of membership?
Membership of ADCH gives you the opportunity to benefit from the shared experience, knowledge and practical advice of 150 rescue and rehoming organisations. We provide regular meetings and conferences providing opportunities to network and hear from expert speakers on a range of relevant subjects. We also run an online forum and members can benefit from a range of exclusive product discounts and opportunities to apply for grants towards capital projects.
For more details about ADCH Membership click here.
Q. How do I access the Member Resources?
Individuals who work or volunteer for a Member Organisation can access the restricted resources via the Member Login. If you have not yet been signed up or you have forgotten your login details please contact us and we will get you setup.
Q: Why did ADCH develop the Minimum Welfare & Operational Standards?
A. Through the promotion and implementation of the Minimum Standards, ADCH and its members can help raise standards across the animal rehoming sector. To the wider public, Government, veterinary profession and other key influencers, the Minimum Standards reinforce a professional credibility and confidence in ADCH members and what they do individually and collectively.
Download a copy of the Minimum Standards here.
Q: How will the Minimum Welfare & Operational Standards help me?
A. If you work to the Minimum Standards, you and the public can be confident and reassured that you are a responsible rehoming organisation that is delivering excellent welfare standards to the animals in your care. The Minimum Standards therefore provide a framework for ADCH members to consider what they do now and the potential areas for development and improvement.
Q: How will ADCH help me reach the requirements of the Minimum Welfare & Operational Standards?
A. Firstly, we want to provide the tools to enable you to assess your existing compliance with the Minimum Standards. Secondly, we want to help you address those areas where you may not yet reach the requirements. This help could include the opportunity to benefit from other members’ knowledge and experience via the online Forum or at Open Meetings, and the chance to apply for grants towards specific projects.