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VAT Update Webinar: PTS and other issues affecting Animal Rescue Charities

25th February @ 2:00 pm - 25th February @ 3:00 pm
Virtual Event

About the session

Join us for an important VAT update with Mike Payne from Grosvenor VAT Consultants.

This session will focus on a recent change in HMRC policy that could benefit animal rescue charities by increasing the amount of VAT that can be recovered. Mike will explain how this change affects the treatment of VAT incurred on PTS costs and what it means for your organisation. With £2 million in VAT refunds already secured for animal rescue charities, Mike will share expert insights on maximising your repayments.

The webinar will include a Q&A session, giving you the opportunity to ask your VAT-related questions.

Who can attend

These sessions are available to anyone who works or volunteers at an ADCH Member organisation.

Cost to attend

There is no cost for ADCH Members to attend these sessions.


You can register for the webinar by clicking here.

Vat Update Webinar

How can I contact if I have any questions?

Please don't hesitate to ask any questions, a member of the team will be happy to help.
