1. Purpose
The Association of Dogs & Cats Homes (ADCH) is committed to meeting the expectations of our members, supporters and members of the public. However, if someone is unhappy with their experience of ADCH, or of one of our members, we shall try to address their concerns and make the necessary changes to address the issue. Wherever possible we seek to resolve complaints informally without the need for them to be escalated to regulatory or governing body.
2. Who can complain?
- We will consider a complaint from anyone affected by their experience of ADCH or one of its members.
- If an individual is considered vulnerable or unable to make a complaint, it may be possible to accept a complaint made on their behalf, such as by a relative or carer (subject at all times to establishing their authority to represent the complainant).
- If an individual faces difficulties in pursuing their complaint or otherwise making use of our services because of a disability, we shall do our best to make reasonable adjustments as necessary to our procedures in order to accommodate their needs. We shall let the complainant know how we propose to accommodate their needs; if we are unable to meet their request we shall explain why.
- ADCH will not respond to anonymous complaints unless these concern animal welfare or criminal activity (fraud, theft etc). Any response made to an anonymous complaint will advise only of the outcome of the complaint.
Complaints should be submitted either by email (enquiries@adch.org.uk) or by post to the:
Executive Director,
PO Box 76271,
3. Receipt of complaints
ADCH will address complaints made:
- Orally at the time of the incident to a member of staff, volunteer or Trustee
- In writing to any valid ADCH address
- By email
- Through any social media site managed by ADCH
Unreasonable behaviour
- We reserve the right to reject complaints which are abusive or characterised by unreasonable behaviour whether in terms of the nature of the complaint or the manner in which it is pursued
- We reserve the right to take appropriate action in cases where a complainant behaves unacceptably. This may involve restricting the manner in which the complainant may communicate with our staff and volunteers
- Fairness – Similar complaints will be assessed in the same way to ensure consistency of approach to all investigations and responses.
- Objectivity – The investigation and treatment of complaints will be carried out objectively. Any potential or actual conflict of interest on the part of investigators or other people involved in handling the complaint must be declared in line with ADCH’s published Conflicts of Interest policy.
- Confidentiality – It is important that in order not to prejudice potential investigations, any interviews are kept confidential and not discussed with colleagues unless they are directly involved in either the situation which gave rise to the complaint, or in the investigation of the complaint. ADCH will store information on complaints on its secure CRM system for continuous improvement purposes.
ADCH complies with legislation both in relation to the business it conducts and in dealing with complaints.
Retention of Personal Information
- Any records will be kept in line with ADCH’s Privacy Policy.
- Records will be kept confidential and retained by ADCH in accordance with the Data Protection Act (2018)
- We will aim to acknowledge receipt of a complaint in writing (by email) within 10 working days.
- We aim to investigate and resolve uncomplicated complaints in relation to ADCH within a further 28 days.
- Where investigation involves a member organisation, or speaking to a number of different individuals, this may take longer, but the complainant will receive regular updates and we aim to resolve all complaints as soon as practicably possible.
Please note timescales will be affected where complaints are not made electronically.