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ADCH Special Recognition Award

ADCH Special Recognition Award

To celebrate excellence in our field, the Association of Dogs and Cats Homes (ADCH) will present the ‘ADCH Special Recognition’ Award to recognise an individual who has delivered exceptional impact to dogs, cats and/or the companion animal sector. 


The winner maybe working nationally or internationally and fits one or more of the below criteria: 

  • An individual who has gone Above and Beyond– done one incredible thing that is quite outstanding, perhaps an act of heroism or gone to extreme lengths to achieve something;
  • An individual who has displayed considerable Distinguished Serviceacross the whole sector or to an individual organisation; 
  • That special someone who has Changed or is Changing the Face of the SectororTackling the Biggest Issues/Challenges– be it through innovation, a particular project or major initiative. 
  • The winner does not need to be part of an ADCH member organisation. They could also be an influencer, a pioneer or a change-maker – (ie a campaigner, politician, official, vet, nurse, or representative of another organisation etc).  


Nominate here: The ADCH ‘Special Recognition’ Award 2023 (

Nominations close: 5pm on Friday 14th April 2023 

The winner will be announced and invited to receive the Award at the ADCH & Petplan Animal Charities Awards Dinner at the ADCH Annual Conference in May 2023. 

There will be ONE winner only – no runners up, no highly commended.